Develop your intuition is easy! Intuition is the fundamental difference between your tiny spontaneous ideas and thoughts. This tool is a daily aid that teaches you easily sort to only listen to your intuition! For this, the application provides a suggestion box filled with hundreds of ideas everyday. Very simply, when you need a boost, help you in the suggestion box! Do not become addicted! Do not chain the ideas until it suits you, the first is always good. Whenever you HAVE IN THE IDEA you can use the suggestion box for a boost. Think of go to the suggestion box is already an IDEA! As you will use this tool, you will naturally aware of the ideas that come naturally during your day, so you can locate them without going through the box! The ultimate goal of the box is that it becomes completely useless!
Once you know a spot alone idea during your day, you will be made subject to help others through the suggestion box!